
America Matters PDF version by Robert Sudha Hamilton

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America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump PDF version. 250 pages

America matters to the world. This democratic republic has held a pre-eminence globally for more than a century. Its economic and military might have established an order within the world. This world order is now under threat from both without and within. The spotlight is on the United States of America. Many of us around the planet are looking to see what kind of response this will engender. There are forces of what could be called good and bad wrestling for the soul of America. What and who will triumph is of paramount interest to people far and wide.


America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump PDF version. 250 pages of factual information impassioned by a voice that cares.

A book that explains a lot about the real America. Partisan politics grips the USA and where has this embittered fervour emerged from? An Australian writing about America offers a different perspective. As an historian, I am interested in the how and why questions in relation to where America finds itself today. Many historians of American history and knowledgeable pundits describe the republic as ‘the American experiment’. This gives the whole thing a much more acceptably volatile reading. However, when you combine that with the superpower status of the USA it makes for an uncomfortable realisation of where America and the world might be heading. As an observer of the place, it calls for deeper digging into who and what America actually is.

What people have said about, America Matters.

“ It burns with progressive fervour for a better America. If you were at all ignorant about the injustices, now and in our past, this is the book to set you straight on some facts.”

 “ I learned more about America from this Australian than I did from my history teachers at school.”