a passport with the statue of liberty on it

American Zeitgeist: All I Care About Is Money

The archetypal American has jettisoned every concern apart from the getting of money. Donald Trump is the manifestation of this sole reason for living in the 21C. American zeitgeist: All I care about is money. Democracy is dying and withering on the vine via its neglect. Distrust is driving most folk to covert thy neighbour’s lifestyle. The shared world revealed by technology has opened a sewer of conspiracy theories and bitter political polarization. It reminds me of that study, where a group of individuals cannot feed themselves but must rely on others to feed each other – sadly this current bunch will be going hungry through their inability to put aside their individual orientation. Community has become an outdated and neglected concept in America.

Show Me The Money America

Trump and Musk represent a zero sum transactional approach to the economics of living. ‘Show me the money’ stands over and above all else. Moral concerns like right and wrong have gone by the wayside. The strong looking out for the weak. The wealthy caring for the poor. These quaint concerns are yesterday’s things. The reductionist model in favour at the moment has no time for the Enlightenment. Trumpian politics is a backlash against progressive political correctness ‘woke’. It embraces the brute force of blue collar machismo taking what it wants. F*** women. F*** DEI. F*** LGBTQI.

man holding US dollar banknotes - American zeitgeist: All I care about is money

The American Love Of Money

American zeitgeist: All I care about is money. Electing Trump 2.0 is proof positive of this overarching concern. 70 million American’s voted for a convicted felon for President. Nothing matters more than making money to these folk. Their admiration for rich men knows no bounds. Their aspirational motivation towers above mere details like the Constitution and the rule of law. Their political masters reflect these American traits. The Republican party, the GOP, has morphed into a mob family under Boss Trump. The boss threatens his opponents with violence and modern Americans on the Right love this stuff. Give em guns and money. Fond family memories of Sunday lynchings. Bullying is a great American tradition upon which the West was won. Outgunning weaker opponents via wealth sponsored tech and weapons.

The Church Of Hate

Even Christianity in America has been warped into a religion that hates fervently. In the South, they defended slavery as an institution and essential way of white life. Their form of Christianity became an exclusive white religion with a fantasised  blue eyed Jesus. Jesus of Nazareth was actually a brown skinned Semite from the Middle East. Christian Nationalism in the US calls more upon the Old Testament, where the God of the Jews is a fiercer deity. Smiting opponents and slagging off sinners left, right and centre are the orders of the Israelite’s day. Fire and brimstone sermons accuse liberal enemies of treasonous sinning. Hating others keeps these religious houses from fading into obscurity in a money obsessed culture.

“Christian nationalists are more likely than other Americans to see political struggles through the apocalyptic lens of revolution and to support political violence. A majority of Christian nationalism Adherents (54%) and 45% of Sympathizers agree that “there is a storm coming soon that will sweep away the elites in power and restore the rightful leaders,” compared with only 22% of Skeptics and 7% of Rejecters.”

person holding blue glass vase

What A Nation Admires Will Define That Country

Money is seen as the bedrock of American civilisation. A man’s right to earn a living and all that sort of stuff. Wealthy business leaders are viewed as natural fits for high office. Whether that wealth and power has been achieved by hook or by crook is neither here nor there, apparently, in the minds of many Americans. What a nation admires will define that country. Corruption rides on the back of deregulation and unfettered business. Trump and Musk are slashing the civil service and doing away with the regulatory watchdogs. Stupid folk are celebrating this as good for business. Really are Americans the most stupid of us; as the cyclical nature of crises reveal financial crashes follow the regulatory behaviours of government. Too dumb to pay attention to history?

“US President Donald Trump’s late-night firing of inspectors-general at multiple government agencies has been criticised as illegal by Democrats and others and drawn concern from at least one fellow Republican. In what critics called a late-night purge, Trump fired 17 independent watchdogs on Friday. A person with knowledge of the matter told the Reuters news agency that the move cleared the way for replacing independent watchdogs with loyalists. “

The Sucker Carrots For The Mob

  1. Blame the government for everything.
  2. Pin the tail on the bloated civil service donkey.
  3. Demonize difference!!!
  4. Piss in the pockets of the mob.
  5. Make America white again.
  6. Pick on vulnerable folk who can’t fight back.
  7. Appear tough on crime & terrorism.

Remember that Donald Trump has won the Presidential election twice – against women! The only guy he faced, a really old Joe Biden he lost. He would not admit this and told the Big Lie instead. America is electorally skewed in favour of rural low population electorates in the red states. These rural areas are conservative in nature regarding the role of women, white supremacy, and abhor big city attitudes to things like diversity, trans people and multicultural America. Gun toting folk that support their young men forming armed militias, who dream of shooting up America.

Big Tech Backed Trump

The crooks are riding on the tails of Trump extremists, as they carve out a kleptocracy. Big tech in the guise of Musk, Bezos, Zuckerburg and Thiele threw their digital weight behind Trump in reaction to the Biden administration’s attempts to impose some much needed regulation in this space. Big tech and its oligarchs are running the show in America – Amazon, Facebook, Google, X, PayPal, Microsoft and the burgeoning chip and AI corporations.

“The millions that US tech companies invested in currying favor with Donald Trump seemed to pay off this week as the new administration issued a flurry of directives that relaxed regulations and dropped lawsuits previously aimed at holding the industry to account. Crypto, AI and social media companies, many of which made donations to Trump, are all expecting to benefit.”

American zeitgeist: All I care about is money.

This singularity within American hearts and minds makes it easy to manipulate them. Donald Trump promised every disgruntled voter to assuage his or her grievance. High inflation? Blame it on DEI policies. Losers who never went to college, whether they had good reason or not. Blame it on liberal ‘woke’ policies that favour elites. The lack of success in lives. The failure to amass big bank balances. Trump blames these things on the prevalence of refugees and illegal immigrants in the US. The GOP blames these grievances on LGBTQI folk. Pin the tail on the donkey – the DNC donkey.  Downward envy is fanned into flame via the blame game in American politics. Social media, which is an American invention, has made everything much worse. Trolls, bots and disinformation do the bidding of the lowest common denominator. Fake news is rife on social media. America has no standards when it comes to public discourse. Anything goes with Elon Musk’s X and Trump’s GOP encourages lies and misinformation.

Trump Refocusing Americans On Houthi Bad Guys

Trump is now refocusing American domestic attention on an international bad guy – the Houthis. After a period of negative reaction to his own policies he seeks to distract and divert attention. There is nothing like a war or military action to curry favour with the mob.

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump.


America Matters PDF version by Robert Sudha Hamilton