Peter Dutton’s LNP Coalition plan to sack 40, 000 public servants is straight out of the Trump playbook. How is 40, 000 people losing their job...
Latest posts
A LNP Coalition shadow cabinet member was on the ABC’s Q&A program defending AUKUS. He stated that the primary job of those in government was to...
American Zeitgeist: All I Care About Is Money
The archetypal American has jettisoned every concern apart from the getting of money. Donald Trump is the manifestation of this sole reason for...
Australia Should Have Stuck With The French
The great submarine betrayal of France by Australia, which resulted in AUKUS is now shown to be a bad idea. The liar of Australian politics, former...
China Looking Out For Their People Better Economically
A friend of mine has been holidaying in China for the last 6 weeks and he has been amazed at how affordable their cities are in comparison to...
Big Tech Is Watching You!
Big Tech what is it? It’s your mobile smart phone, computer, and all those digital networks reaching into your home, work and where you play. Modern...
The US Just Voted With Russia At The UN Over Ukraine
Australia should no longer consider Trump’s America as an ally. The US just voted with Russia at the UN over Ukraine. Trump and his minions have...
Privatised Vocational Training Certification A Crooked Business
The neoliberal mantra has been privatise, privatise, privatise. For profit operations do it better, apparently. The reality, however, is a different...
No Easy Answers To Complex Things
There are no easy answers to complex things. Stupid people are suckers for populist promises re-smaller government and privatising stuff. What you...
Religious Extremism In Australia
It is shocking that in the 21C there are still innocent children dying due to religious extremism in Australia. The case of Elizabeth Struhs an 8 YO...
Settlers Take What Was Not Their Own
Colonial powers send out their soldiers and their settlers to conquer and found their new lands. This has occurred in Australia, the Americas, and...
78% Of American Doctors Are Employed By Corporations
The fact that around 78% of American doctors are employed by corporations is shocking. The corporatization of the medical profession and health...
Trump The American Imperialist
Canada, Greenland and Panama are the latest candidates for Trump the American imperialist. The tweeting President is throwing up more outrageous bon...
John Howard & Peter Costello: Masters Of A Runaway Property Market
Former PM John Howard and his treasurer Peter Costello were warned about the dangers of rapidly rising Australian property prices back in 2004....
Common Features Of Religious Extremism
The common features of religious extremism invariably involve a return to some idealised state of purity. Whether it be Islamic extremism or...
The Story So Far
The nation elected a reality TV star for president. He made a total mess of things, especially of his response to a global pandemic. Nearly a...
Drilling Down Into Your Bite & Smile
Hands up who only thinks about their teeth when something goes wrong? OK, that is just about everybody. Teeth are not the kind of thing we pay much...
Wake Up World: The Market Is Not Going To Save Us
Have a look around at the world we currently live in. Everything is becoming or has already become unaffordable for many. Food, rents, mortgage...
Men Are The Problem
The world faces existential challenges right now and the current power status quo is incapable of meeting them. Men are the problem. Major wars in...
Politicians & Social Media Influencers: Lying Through Their Teeth For Profit?
We live in an age of gossip, lies and fake news made misinformation by the allure of social media. Politicians and social media influencers: Lying...
The Problems With Work
We face a number of challenges for the concept we know of as ‘work’. Some of these challenges are relatively new, such as the AI revolution...
The Trouble With Psychiatry
Would you be surprised if I told you that capitalism has created the medicalisation of normal life? Indeed, it has been so successful that almost 1...
I Asked AI About The Evidence For The Existence Of God
I asked AI about the evidence for the existence of God. Here is what I received in response to my question. The question of the existence of God is...
Russian Oligarchs Leaping To Their Deaths
Stay away from balconies and windows if you are a Russian oligarch, as there have been a spate of unfortunate accidents it seems. Around 15 have...
Fascism Is On The Rise
Small-minded individuals are attracted to fascism and it isn’t just about the shiny buttons. Although, those smart uniforms are great to hide...
Green Capsicums Choking the Cost of Living
I went to the shops the other day and was forced to take out a bank loan to afford a red capsicum. It wasn’t the biggest scarlet pepper I had ever...
Food and Leadership for a Healthier World
In Australia, we live in a society where food choices are predominantly economic and taste concerns. Our western democracy is firmly in the free...
Epidemiologists: When the War is Over
Will we see a spate of epidemiologists turning to drink and drugs in lieu of the limelight they once enjoyed. No longer stars of stage and screen...
Why Has Putin Invaded Ukraine?
There has been a great deal of speculation as to why Putin has chosen now to invade Ukraine. Many experts have pointed to maps of the current...
How Much Do You Value Your Home?
Property ownership is the defining right of the individual as defined by the great English and Scots philosophers’ Locke, Smith, and Hume. Ever...
Gun Makers Must be Responsible for Their Weapons
The recent law suits by the Mexican government against US gun makers make sense. According to US justice Department figures some 64, 000 weapons...
The Danger of Religious Belief
The recent discovery of thousands of mass graves belonging to indigenous children murdered by religious adherents in Canada shines a light on the...
Social Media And Its Algorithms Are Destroying Us
An interesting correlation to observe is that between the advent of social media and the worsening of human interrelations. Facebook started in Feb...