Billionaires Defrauding Democracy & The American People
The Washington Post is owned by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, and has defied 30+ years of tradition to duck making an editorial recommendation on who the paper endorses to win the 2024 US Presidential election. Robert Kagan, the editor at large for the Post, has resigned over the decision. This is being called a business move by Bezos to avoid further trouble with Donald Trump if he is returned to the White House. Billionaires defrauding democracy and the American people. Trump has been threatening journalists and prominent publications like the New York Times over their coverage of him and his campaign. Publishers overruling their editorial teams is a return to the bad old days of undue influence by media owners in America.
“On Friday, the Washington Post’s publisher, Will Lewis, announced that the paper would no longer make endorsements for president—after its journalists had already drafted an endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris. The decision was made by Jeff Bezos, the paper’s owner.”

Oligarchs Running The USA To The Detriment Of The Citizenry
This is the kind of thing that liberal talking heads have been warning voters about if Trump gets back into the top job in Washington DC. Government by the powerful to the detriment of a free citizenry. If the media is effectively muzzled by billionaires, then, the people will not be privy to open and transparent government. The business of running America will shift ever further from the purview of ordinary citizens. Investigative journalism is the only deterrent to corrupt and fascist regimes. It is hard for an outsider to observe how stupid so many Americans seem to be. I mean the nature of Trump is there all for to see. What do these folk expect to happen if he is re-elected?

Billionaire Businessmen & Money Talks Silencing The Voice Of The People
I know the insidious nature of how this stuff works myself. I write in a professional capacity for a segment of the digital marketing industry, just in a small way. Last month I was warned off writing material that was critical of Trump in case I offended readers who were Trump supporters. I very nearly terminated my writing employment relationship of some 15 years over this and may still do so. It is galling when such impediments impact your own expression. I had to weigh up my technical responsibilities to the contracted job with my passionate belief that Trump poses an existential danger to democracy in the West. https://www.housetherapy.com.au/politicians-social-media-influencers-lying-through-their-teeth-for-profit/
Old White Man Your Time Is Up
The world is at a tipping point, according to my reckoning, the forces of reaction are staging a last stand. Billionaires defrauding democracy and the American people. Donald Trump represents the last vestiges of the white male hegemony. America is the superpower and so a fitting O.K. Corral. The lies and distortions thrown up by the MAGA movement reeks of fear and anxiety at this readjustment of power taking place in America. The demographics of the country have changed with white folk sharing the US with people of colour. These folk just want their fair share of representative say in things but the red states down south are freaking out. The GOP has morphed into an extremist party run by nutjobs and white supremacist whackos. Kamala Harris, by contrast, is a centrist and will bring some much needed stability to the nation.
The time of the old white men is over. America has never had a female president – what a shocking fact that is in the 21C.
Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump.