Coalition plan to sack 40, 000 public servants

Coalition Plan To Sack 40, 000 Public Servants

Peter Dutton’s LNP Coalition plan to sack 40, 000 public servants is straight out of the Trump playbook. How is 40, 000 people losing their job going to be good for the economy? This will further damage the Australian economy by creating mass unemployment. Plus, the important jobs these civil servants do will have to be tendered to the private sector, which invariably charges much more. 10 years of Abbott, Turnbull, and Morrison saw tens of billions of dollars paid to PwC, KPMG, and the non-transparent private sector. The Coalition funds unaccountability in government and, like Trump, promotes greater opportunities for macro corruption.

“Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has doubled down on his commitment to sack thousands of public servants if he’s elected prime minister.”

Trumpian LNP To Fire 40, 000 Australians

Blaming civil servants instead of the private sector, where most corruption actually occurs, is a right wing Shibboleth. Tapping into the public mood of grievance and long held desires to blame stuff on bureaucrats is Trumpian and ‘Temu Trump’, Dutton, wants to get on board. Ignorance about what government actually does and what public servants do provides an opportunity to scapegoat them. The LNP Coalition messages their supporters telling them that it is OK to be ignorant about important stuff. Re-The Voice – “If you don’t know, vote No.” This is how they like their Australia – easy to manipulate! Do not ask of the citizenry to step up, rather pander to their comfort zones. Meanwhile, their mates at the big end of town screw us all financially through deals, very favourable to multinational mining corporations and macro corruption.

Peter Dutton

Coalition Culture Wars Hoodwinking Aussies

The culture wars are a smoke screen to scam the people. Distract them with emotive issues like gender identity whilst you steal their lunch. The LNP is the party of oligarchs and billionaires in Australia. They see a country where white men should be advantaged over all other Australians. Dutton wants the power to accuse dual citizens of things and to deport them on his say so. We know that Peter Dutton is a political animal not bothered by an adherence to facts. He will use such powers for political advantage. Like Trump, naming all illegal immigrants as criminal gang members when the truth is far more nuanced in that most of these folk are looking for better lives for their families. Demonising folk is a favourite right wing blame game to whip up fears and anxieties within the electorate. Dutton does this all the time, witness the pro-Israel verbal attacks on multicultural Australians standing up for Palestinians being genocidally wiped out in Gaza. Everything is a political game for Dutton.

Donald Trump nesting dolls on red textile

Dutton Seeks To Make Australia Like Trump’s USA

The Coalition plan to sack 40, 000 public servants is a disgrace. It will damage the economy and privatise government services. Unaccountability via a lack of transparency leads to corruption. The private sector commits much more corrupt behaviour than government employees. Look at the stats yourself. It is BS that sacking a whole lot of dedicated civil servants will make Australia a better place. It will make us a much more Trumpian American Australia. The LNP idealises the US and its extreme neoliberal right wing economy. Medicare will not be safe under Dutton, as the Coalition has been trying to kill Medicare for decades. They will neglect it in the hope it will continue to fray around the edges. This is the Trumpian plan to disable institutions like social security so that they can privatise it and screw more Americans financially. These Anglo white settler conservatives are cut from the same cloth. They want white men advantaged over all other groups and at the centre of power. Strongman politics is all about bullying and threatening behaviour. They despise women in positions of power. The name of the game is to alarm the community via bogus claims about antisemitism terrorism and out of control criminal stateless refugees. Plus, the traditional yellow peril fear mongering re-China. The skull like visage of Peter Dutton bears down upon quaking Australians like Voldemort.

“Government and public concern about corporate wrongdoing in Australia is arguably at an all-time high. However, the extent and nature of corporate crime is largely unknown; it is concealed by regulatory agency reporting practices and the absence of a single data source which combines data across all regulators. This study addresses the problem by examining corporate offending by 33 of the country’s top companies, and their wholly owned subsidiaries, over a five-year period. The results indicate that corporate offending is patterned and unevenly distributed across the business community.”

Who do you think is doing the bribing of any officials? The private sector. Blaming civil servants for transgressions is putting the cart before the horse. Donald Trump is a crook, a convicted felon and longtime grifter on a big scale. His ability to avoid incarceration has exposed the innate failings of the US justice and political systems. Money has always talked louder than anything else in America.

textile australian flag with crumples
Photo by vectors icon on

The Coalition plan to sack 40, 000 public servants will make Australia a less fair and regulated place. It will damage the lives of these Australians for political point scoring and make government less transparent. Don’t let Dutton get away with his Trumpian plans for Australia.

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump.


America Matters PDF version by Robert Sudha Hamilton