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Fox News Should Be Banned From Broadcasting to Australian Audiences

The evidence thrown up via the Dominion lawsuit against Fox News clearly shows that Fox News knowingly lied in their presentation of the news pertaining to the 2020 US federal election. Their CEO and owner both sent messages to staff directing them to refrain from telling their viewers the facts about the declared result of the election. They promoted the big lie, which contributed to January 6 and the undermining of social cohesion within America. This was because they were scared of the damage it would do to their viewing audience. This must contravene the standards of a network purporting to be a news station. How can purposely not telling the news be in line with the rules and regulations governing the media here in Australia. Fox News should be banned from broadcasting to Australian audiences.

'Hidden Figures' Media Interviews (NHQ201612130007)
‘Hidden Figures’ Media Interviews (NHQ201612130007) by NASA HQ PHOTO is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0

Imagine If Fox News Was Chinese Owned

I would like to stop and hypothesise for a moment. Imagine if this was a Chinese news service made for English speakers beaming into Australia. Suddenly, the news got out that this network was deliberately misleading viewers about the result of something globally important on the direction of their management and central Chinese government controllers. The outcry would be enormous and the calls for their immediate banning from broadcasting would be sharp and loud. Talking heads would be damning the network as propagandists. The rabid right wing fringe would be marching in the streets in protest with all their Nazi posturing.

Double Standard For Fox & Telling White Skinned Lies On TV

There seems to be a convenient double standard when it comes to capitalism and ‘money talking’ when blatant manipulation of the media happens in the West. Our much lauded ‘so-called’ free press, which is no such thing, is free of scrutiny from the Peter Hartcher’s and fellow war with China drum beaters in the local media. The Western media does not need to be dictated to by autocratic regimes, as in Russia, because the power of money does the same job without the jackboots and uniforms. The concentration of media ownership into corporate hands in America, the UK, and in Australia ensures that editorial toes the company line. Investigative journalism has been largely replaced by paid opinion pieces and PR. Look at what happened to Wiki Leaks and Julian Assange – and what the kow towing media made of that in their deafening silence at his treatment.

Fox News should be banned from broadcasting to Australian audiences

It is absolutely outrageous that Fox News should be able to carry on, indifferent to the blatant lies and media manipulation carried out by the network revealed by this lawsuit, it is a travesty of our media laws and confirmation of the toothless tigers that roam the corridors of government. Corporate power is so vast and unaccountable in the West it makes the whole Westminster system of government and our democratic traditions a very bad joke.

Fox News should be banned from broadcasting to Australian audiences on the basis that they don’t tell the news. Not truthfully, anyway. They lie in order to pander to their rabid right wing audience. The first amendment does not give Americans the right to knowingly misinform and mislead others on any platform of freedom to speech. It is one thing to hold an opinion about something and voice that, it is quite another to deliberately lie and present liars and crackpots in order to make money from selling advertising space at a higher rate via a larger audience of viewers. The American dream is just that a dream and bears no semblance to the reality of life in the United States. Free press – BS. Free market – more BS.

©House Therapy