Gaol Alan Jones & Censure Sky News to Protect NSW

In the wake of the anti-lockdown protests, which saw thousands involved in potential super spreader behaviour it is time to crack down on crackpots like Alan Jones. There is no place for stirrers and shock jocks during a global pandemic. Gaol Alan Jones and censure Sky News to protect NSW from the dangers of selfish dickheads causing trouble. Jones and his right-wing cohort have no idea about community, they are all about the rights of the individual. Australia has been largely unaffected by the worst of Covid, and these mostly male protesters just don’t get it. Freedom for the individual is not at the top of the agenda during a pandemic because that kind of behaviour ultimately results in people dying. We don’t have time for these protesters to wake up to what is happening through death and disease hitting their loved ones. Get Jones off the air and get some controls in place to monitor extremist right wing groups and the media that stirs them up like Sky News.

We Do Not Need Spreaders of False Information like Jones

Sydney is on the precipice of disaster with infection rates refusing to come under control and hospitalisations increasing. People are starting to die from the Delta variant of COVID-19 and the potential for many more deaths is very real. Lockdowns are the only way to get big cities under control from the rampant spread of infection through the community. People don’t like being locked down but as a community we must grin and bear it. We do not need dickheads like Alan Jones spreading his vile messages to the vulnerable and pissed off people within our city. The false information peddled by right wing ideologues like Jones and his Sky News cronies is dangerous and needs to be stamped out. Gaol Alan Jones and censure Sky News to protect NSW.

We Need Real Leadership Right Now

We need real leadership right now in NSW and Australia. We need calm and well informed leaders making the hard decisions necessary during a pandemic. Australians have had it good for a long time with record economic growth for decades creating wealth for many. Most of these young men who are protesting have never experienced tough times. Suck it up and do the right thing boys, so that we can get through this pandemic. Don’t listen to dickheads like Jones. We are part of a community containing different age groups, genders, and racial profiles. It is not all about you and your mates.

 ©House Therapy

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Author: Silas