Gun Makers Must be Responsible for Their Weapons

The recent law suits by the Mexican government against US gun makers make sense. According to US justice Department figures some 64, 000 weapons recovered from cartels between 2006 and 2011 were originally sourced from America. 70% of all weapons recovered by Mexican authorities were from the US. It is amazing that manufacturers of deadly weapons are not made responsible for their guns, wherever they end up. Government regulations must enforce a register of weapons to ensure that the whereabouts of these deadly devices are known at all times. Gun makers and arms sellers must be made responsible for the weapons they make and sell all the way down the line for the life of those instruments of death and destruction. There can be no limited liability in the case of guns and other weapons.

Gun Manufacturers Must Fund Frequent & Rigorous Inspections

Of course, regular checks and inspections must be carried out by government agencies. The gun manufacturers must fund these inspections via taxes and duties imposed upon the sale of these weapons. This is, often, where these regulatory imposts fall down. The inspections must be frequent and rigorous, quarterly at the very least and carried out by impeccable agents. Gun makers must be responsible for their weapons for the life of them. If you are going to make deadly weapons you must be made liable for them for the life of them without exception.

The Gun Situation In America is a Disgrace

The state must be aware of every weapon made and sold throughout the life of those guns. Manufacturers, sellers, and government agencies must know where every gun is and who owns it. How can Mexican cartels purchase guns and weapons from the US? Why aren’t US agencies aware of who is buying these weapons and illegally selling them to organised crime figures. How can the leader of the free world not know what is going on in its own backyard? The gun situation in America is a disgrace and an insult to humanity. There were 14, 400 gun related homicides in the US in 2019. 73% of all homicides in America are gun related, according to FBI figures. Another 23, 942 gun related deaths in America were suicides in 2019. Guns kill people period.

Every weapon must have a barcode and be inspected by multiple agencies frequently. Every gun and its whereabouts must be accounted for. If weapons are unaccounted for the manufacturer is held responsible. If deadly weapons are not accounted for by multiple agencies (to prevent corruption) then the manufacturer is suspended, as is the seller of the weapon until the weapon is accounted for. The presence of deadly weapons within a developed nation like the United States of America must be rigorously controlled to prevent the untold crimes committed currently. America is a joke really, as we have seen through Donald Trump’s recent presidency. No underdeveloped nation can look up to America in reality. The corruption in countries within places like Africa is equally prevalent in the US. Human greed and stupidity are rife right around America and the gun makers and lobby are a clear example.

©House Therapy

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Author: Silas