Happy Go Lucky Morrison Government Stuffs Up Again
Australia is a lucky country separated from the world’s population by large oceans as an island continent during a global pandemic. This has allowed the Morrison government to bumble along playing catch up as it turns failings into crises. Our predilection for buying everything on the cheap has been exposed over the last couple of years. Rather than having a manufacturing sector we buy cheap stuff from China. The RAT medical device situation crisis is another example of poor planning on the part of the federal government during the Covid pandemic. Happy go lucky Morrison government stuffs up again is a banner headline you will see plastered everywhere right now.
Poor Planning at the Federal Level
In the two plus years we have been at war with this virus you would think that a planning committee or several would have been established to predict future Covid related problems. This government is running out of lives and excuses for their poor performance in meeting the challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic. You would think that governments and departments would be getting better at managing this crisis, but the reverse seems to be true. The desire to get back to normal infects us all but governments have to be better. They need to be able to future proof our economy and population by good planning and this is not happening.
RATs in the Headlights of Crisis Planning?
Australians have a ‘she’ll be right mate” fall back position, an ethos forged in a sunny climate. Scott Morrison presents himself as everyone’s best mate with cheerful bonhomie writ large. During a prolonged crisis people want good leaders who can get the job done. You want the best minds employed to look ahead to see the curves and bends in the road ahead. We don’t want to be looking back in the rear-view mirror continually trying to clear up messes and spills. Where were the RATs in the headlights of crisis planning?
Omicron Wipes the Floor with the Australian Government
Now, we have empty shelves in our supermarkets. We have businesses closed despite there being no lock downs. Tens of thousands of people are looking for RAT tests to see if they are infected with the virus. More than a million Australians are infected with the latest variant of this virus. Workers are in isolation and quarantine unable to go to work. The hospital system is haemorrhaging with Covid patients. You cannot help but question the planning skills of the Morrison government to deal with the different phases of this pandemic. The happy go lucky Morrison government stuffs up again and has run out of excuses with the public. Omicron wipes the floor with the Australian government.
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