Humanity Your Slip is Showing: Omicron Crisis
Humanity is being challenged by a viral enemy that is exposing our vulnerabilities as a species. The irrational inaction by millions of people to question the health response to the Covid-19 global pandemic is threatening our very existence. Anti-vaccination stances by human beings across the planet are prolonging this pandemic, which has killed more than 5 million people. The stupidity of people in America, Europe, and elsewhere are making things much harder than they need be in managing this pandemic. The politicisation of the pandemic has revealed our inability to come together in a spirit of trust. We will not be able to come through this if we cannot find this trust in our leaders and the scientific knowledge to meet this challenge. Humanity your slip is showing: Omicron crisis challenges us all.
The Effects of Covid Upon Humanity
If you analyse the effects of this coronavirus upon humanity, it has predominantly taken the lives of the elderly and the immunocompromised. We as a community have embarked upon health strategies to protect these vulnerable people. Health orders like lockdowns and border closures have impacted many people both economically and in terms of restricting their movements. Freedoms have been limited and generations of human beings are not used to having these basic rights curtailed. However, these are necessary social policies to prevent the uncontrolled spread of this viral infection. Our hospital systems cannot handle a free for all of seriously sick Covid patients overwhelming those facilities.
OMG the Omicron Crisis
The omicron variant of this virus has mutated into a highly infectious beast, which is rapidly taking over around the globe. Europe and North America are heading into winter. Infection rates are huge and if their low levels of vaccination continue, we may see a deadly fifth wave taking many more lives. Booster shots are now required to meet the challenge of the omicron variant. Western democracies have been tolerant with anti-vaccination proponents up until now but if things continue to turn toward the cataclysmic putting up with idiots may soon be an unaffordable luxury. This battle against the coronavirus pandemic demands a team effort by all of us – a full court press.
Come Together Right Now Over Covid
There are members of our communities who see this as an opportunity to topple existing power structures and to install themselves in their place. Right wing white supremacists who supported the disgusting Trump are all over these antivaccine mandate protest movements. Religious groups and new agers who see their own belief in some invisible supernatural entity as something that supplants any earthly governments are another part of this problem movement. Marching for freedom during a global pandemic is a pretty short sighted and selfish stance. A crisis calls for real community action and not individuals moaning about their individual rights. Too many of these people have never experienced anything like a world war, which demands united action and sacrifices for the greater good. God is not going to save anybody, as he or she never does, and never has. Self interest is not going to save the vulnerable among us. Greed among the wealthy nations is only going to prolong this pandemic and the mutation of the virus into ever more challenging variants. Humanity your slip is showing and only a truly concerted effort will save us all.
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