Nobody Killed Kimberley Kitching
Nobody killed Kimberley Kitching, her death was a tragic occurrence. This has now been turned into a media story by those with vested interests. Political journalism in Australia is at a low ebb and this includes the ABC. People die from heart attacks all the time. Shane Warne? Both Kimberley and Shane were in their 50s and overweight. They both, it seems, led busy and sometimes stressful lives. The current political landscape at the federal level wreaks of dirty politics and the greasy pole. The Morrison Government is battered and tired after a long time in charge during a succession of crises.
A Nasty Election Can Kill Australian Good Will
Does Australia really need a nasty election after what we and the world have been through over the last two years. An increasingly desperate government is in danger of soon running out of low blows to inflict upon the opposition. We have seen beats ups around national security. China fears have been morphed into global fears with Russia at the head of an evil autocratic cartel of totalitarian regimes. The coalition want Aussies to be cowering under their doonas in preparation for an imminent invasion. Peter ‘the skull’ Dutton has been beating the war drums for many months, with promises of nuclear powered submarines arriving to protect us in 20 years’ time. I hope the Chinese can be that patient.
Mean Girls Didn’t Murder Kimberley Kitching
The ABC reporting on the ‘mean girls’ story keeps saying, ‘according to Labor party sources.’ Well, who are these sources? I want to know and the Australian electorate are entitled to know who these people are. Lazy journalism. There is a whiff of something nasty here. News Corporation are the smelliest media organisation in the country. I bet they are involved in this up to their nasty necks. Nobody killed Kimberley Kitching, sudden unexpected deaths are a tragedy. People always want someone to blame in these situations. Blaming lifestyle habits is never as satisfying as attacking other human beings. We all are ultimately responsible for our own lives.
What these deaths of two prominent 50 somethings tells us, is that heart disease and the consequent mortality are very real indeed. The Lucky Country lazes along on a diet of KFC, cricket, and too much alcohol. Lock downs have not been good for our physical fitness levels either. Bushfires and floods can add further layers of stress and unhealthy behaviours into the mix. Do we really need a nasty federal election full of spite and negativity to top off a very challenging time for many?
©House Therapy