Our Dumb Government Panders Rather Than Leads

The Australian federal government, led by the blokey Scott Morrison who wants to be the best friend of the nation, appears to promise a lot but actually does little. Complacency at the wheel with both eyes on the political gauge to see which way they will flag their intentions is their modus operandi. The LNP has hitched their wagon to the dominant cohort within the Australian population, which is white, male, middleclass, and basically educated. The recent rise of traditionally fringe issues such as Black Lives Matter and Women’s Rights has seen them adjust their spin. The neglect of our universities and the demise of our international higher education industry due to Covid is another example of this government’s complacency.

The Return of White Australia Island Fortress

The global pandemic has played to the base feelings at the heart of white Australia with closed international borders keeping the Asian hordes our of this island nation. Australians, in the main, are happy with their government’s locking out foreigners who are potentially carrying the virus. Colonially created countries like Australia contain deep veins of racism running beneath their white skin. Indigenous people have suffered for centuries in Australia being deprived of autonomy and opportunity. Migrants have been the economic lifeblood of this nation, but their waves of arrival have been resented by many, especially the poor who have to live beside them.

Male Crimes Against Women on the Agenda

The recent spate of alleged sexual crimes by LNP politicians and staffers at both federal and state levels has shone a light on the dark side of the entitled white male in positions of power. Politics in Australia is traditionally mired in socially unacceptable behaviour and customs. Alpha males wielding their ambitions at the expense of fairness and social inclusiveness. Big swinging dicks in the imaginations of these small men climbing the slippery pole to power. The Morrison government wants to appeal to this white male cohort of the electorate and its policy decisions are based upon that political expedient.

Crimes of domestic violence and sexual abuse have been a part of the fabric of Australian life since its colonial inception. The marginalising of blacks and women has, also, been business as usual in this nation forever. The Covid pandemic has, however, seen governments turn their attention to the welfare of the greater cohort within the nation. Suddenly, people on the dole weren’t just bludgers and losers. Millions of people were now receiving government welfare in one form or another – and this large section could not be pilloried. The new unwanted were international students and overseas visitors who were encouraged by the federal government to go home. The effect of this changing of the guard has shifted the traditionally indifferent ordinary Australian to the plight of some marginalised groups like women and indigenous Australians.

The Morrison government likes to make big announcements but its follow up actions are often patchy and non-existent. Its recent budgetary commitments to childcare and aged care appear to be outside of their usual remit but will scrutiny reveal inaction and failures to monitor where the money actually goes? Our dumb government panders rather than leads, as can be seen by the vaccine roll out mess and the quarantine failure. Australia has been paralysed since federation by the cop out over state vs federal responsibility. Important things continue to fall between the cracks on this ridiculous foundation. Our leaders claim a freedom from blame upon this basis. The federal government like to see themselves as the true leaders of this nation but continue to delegate much of the governing to the states. The dumbing down of Australia under Morrison continues with the demise of our international higher education industry on their watch. This annual six billion dollar hit to the economy will damage us for decades to come if it is not arrested in time. It will, also, continue to place laisse fair attitudes or ‘she’ll be right mate’ as the dominate ethos on this island nation. A dumb country known for digging up minerals and belittling women and the indigenous population. Australia culturally needs as much input from migrants and overseas visitors as possible to dilute the smugness and insularity rampant in its local inhabitants.


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Author: Silas