Pictures of Putin Paint A Small Man
Televised images of Putin in these large, empty palatial state rooms makes him look very small. President Putin looks like he doesn’t have any friends; and he reminds me of a short goblin in a Harry Potter movie. Pictures of Putin paint a small man. These photos in front of flags makes him appear small and vulnerable. Remember that Putin is only one man in a world containing seven or eight billion people. We all need to wake up to our responsibilities to stand up for our human rights. Russians need to stand up for their country and get rid of Putin. Ask yourself if you are taking responsibility for the actions of your leaders and your nation?
Peace is in your hands. Stop taking shit. Stand up for your rights.
Putin Is Just One Small Man
Are you truly awake or half asleep? Are you some Zombie follower or a self-reliant empowered human being? Peace is in your hands. Letting yourself be pushed around by bullies is how we get to the current situation in Ukraine. Stop taking shit. Stand up for your rights. These people are a house of cards. Push one over and the rest can topple. People doing the wrong thing are swimming against the stream. Justice is in your hands and in the hands of all just people. Putin must be stopped by those around him. Workers in Russia could stop the nation in protest against the invasion of Ukraine.
Vlad the Invader Must Be Stopped
Russia must wake up and shake the slumber from its eyes. Russians need to uncover their moral compass and remove the small man at their helm. Putin the little man in charge of a large nation has lost the plot. It is time to find the courage in Russia to oust the man currently leading the charge into Ukraine. Only the Russian people can rectify this situation, as it is their country. Killing innocent Ukrainians is a stain on the Russian people. This is a completely unnecessary war. Russians this is your home – do something about this deadly invasion.
Pictures of Putin paint a small man in empty rooms. Where are the Russian people? Why are they allowing this ghastly act of war? Russians where is your sense of responsibility? Where is your courage to stand up for what is right? Grow up and be brave enough to stop the evil in your midst. Killing is wrong and invading other countries is obviously wrong. Stand up and be counted. Stop the invasion by getting rid of the small man in charge of your nation.
©House Therapy