Bite & Smile PDF version by Robert Sudha Hamilton is more than just the best book on dentistry published in quite a while. Bite & Smile: Delving Into Dental Care for an Informed Choice is 350 pages of essential reading. More than fun facts about dentistry it is designed to take you deeper into the oral cavity to discover the solution. Yes, the answer to the age old dental dilemma of why our teeth don’t last the distance. Almost, as importantly, it provides things you can do about it. If you are interested in keeping your natural teeth for longer? If you would like to save money on expensive dental bills? If you want to minimise the severe pain of tooth ache and the profound pain of losing teeth? This book is well worth the investment in time and money to read.
“Every tooth in a man’s head is more valuable than a diamond.” ~ Miguel de Cervantes
You will see this quote bandied about quite a bit on dental websites online. The reason why, is that it is so true. Of course, Miguel de Cervantes was born in the 16C, which is why the quote does not read ‘every tooth in a person’s head’ is more valuable than a diamond’. Teeth, as most older folk know well, are sorely missed when they go missing for whatever reason. Regrets mount up as we age and loves’ lost are right up there with wishes we had taken better care of our teeth when we were younger.
Do something about it now. Knowledge is power. Get the data you need to make the changes to your lifestyle and diet to make a difference before it is too late.