
SpeakTruth: God Knows No Words EPUB

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SpeakTruth: God Knows No Words EPUB version

Collected Writings in the Eclectic Space

A collection of eclectic writing over a decade or more. I was inspired by reading George Orwell to gather these many stories and articles together and bind them into this volume.



SpeakTruth: God Knows No Words by Robert Sudha Hamilton

The digital age has provided us with numerous technological advantages, but we must remember that computers are primarily storage devices which file things. The classification and categorisation inherent within these binary system storage processes must not be allowed to overly infect our approach to humanity and diversity. We are all human beings first and foremost; not groupings of keyword searches.

Tapdance and tiptoe,

The edge, the open window.

Cutglass charisma,

Every time I fall.

Writing opens up my head and lets out streams of consciousness to form lines upon a page. It enables me to share my views and perspective with you. Over the years I have performed the task of writing for a variety of purposes, but always to communicate something essential with another human being. Writing differs from talking in how it is received. Written copy may lie dormant for years without ever being read. It might be ignored or glossed over without any real comprehension. It may sit on paper in a bottom drawer gathering dust. Or it may appear on screen within one of millions of neglected websites. It waits, however, for the right connection with a human brain to do its work and to cast its magic spell.


Robert Sudha Hamilton