Stoicism still speaking truth today

Stoicism Still Speaking Truth Today

Imagine a philosophy, developed some two millennia ago, that remains pertinent to the human condition even now. Stoicism still speaking truth today is a fact, we all should explore for our own benefit. We have been through a global pandemic and have experienced the powerlessness of lock downs and other public health policies designed to limit the spread of the virus. We know, first hand, what such calamitous external events feel like. One of the core beliefs of Stoicism is that individuals have little control over external events, but they have complete control over their own thoughts and reactions to those events. The Stoics emphasized the importance of accepting what is beyond our control and focusing instead on developing our own character and inner peace.

The Stoics Understood What They Could Control

The Stoics believed that emotions such as fear, anger, and desire could cloud our judgement and lead us away from the path of wisdom and virtuous living. They taught that individuals could achieve tranquility and inner peace by understanding the nature of the universe, accepting the inevitable, and practicing self-control and restraint in their thoughts and actions.

Discover Stoicism & Regain Your Sense of Tranquility

One of the key figures in Stoicism was the philosopher Epictetus, who taught that individuals should strive to live in accordance with nature and avoid being swayed by external circumstances. He emphasized the importance of using reason to guide our actions and reactions, rather than being controlled by our emotions and desires.

Another influential Stoic philosopher was Marcus Aurelius, who was also a Roman emperor. In his book, “Meditations,” Marcus reflects on the Stoic principles and provides guidance on how to live a virtuous and fulfilling life. He writes about the importance of accepting what is beyond our control, cultivating inner peace, and performing our duties in life with integrity and wisdom.

Stoicism had a lasting impact on Western philosophy and has influenced other schools of thought, including cognitive-behavioural therapy. Many of the ideas developed by the Stoics, such as the importance of self-control and rational thinking, continue to be relevant and useful in contemporary times.

Stoicism is a philosophy that emphasizes the development of a strong and rational mind, the importance of accepting what is beyond our control, and the cultivation of inner peace and tranquility. The Stoics believed that individuals could live in harmony with the universe by following the principles of wisdom, justice, courage, and moderation, and by using reason to guide their thoughts and actions. Despite being an ancient philosophy, Stoicism continues to have a significant impact and influence on contemporary thought and practices.

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of The Stoic Golfer: Finding Inner Peace & Focus on the Fairway

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