Former PM John Howard and his treasurer Peter Costello were warned about the dangers of rapidly rising Australian property prices back in 2004....
Tag: Australia
How The World Works
This is how the world works in the West these days, economically speaking. A group of influential conservatives ushered in something called...
Lies Dumb Australians Believe
Many Australians believe that we pay too much tax and yet we are at the lower end of tax paying nations globally per capita, according to the data....
The Invasion Of The Serenity Snatchers
Private property affords some their earthly slice of paradise, especially in the vastness of Australia. Owning your own home, whatever its size,...
The Conservative Playbook: Dutton’s Political Strategy
The global conservative stratagem is founded on an appeal to the mediocrity of lazy members of our nations. Their message to the predominantly white...
Lords & Ladies Of Lawns
Have you ever wondered why many of our older style homes have lawns? Why we demark sections of green grass around our houses? These, hopefully,...
It Is Not About One Man: Stop Distorting The Picture
It is a very human tendency to reduce the complexity of things down to one thing. It is not about one man: Stop distorting the picture. Take the...
Australians Have Been Betrayed By Their Institutions & Companies
I was driving home the other day and worrying about money. Hands up all those who have had that similar experience. I was wondering where all my...
Australia: The Land Of No Competition
Big Bad Brad Banducci has fallen on his sword after 9 years steering the good ship Woolworths. Australia, the land of no competition, welcomes...
Australia Has A Tax System Which Unfairly Taxes The Working Poor
The newly amended Stage 3 tax cuts are making headlines at the moment. Political point scoring about broken promises has been less effective than...