The Danger of Religious Belief

The recent discovery of thousands of mass graves belonging to indigenous children murdered by religious adherents in Canada shines a light on the dangers of belief. Those who dress up in special garb and profess to be different from us due to their belief in a supernatural entity are dangerous. Christian belief and other forms of religious belief are tolerated in this scientific age as anachronisms. However, human beings who believe they are instructed by some form of divine power are not merely misguided they are inherently dangerous to those around them. The silly side of religious belief masks a deeper orientation which presents a serious problem for humanity.

Who Colonised the New World: Man or God?

Religions and their adherents have been used by states to further their imperialism. In Canada and other new world territories religious orders were directly involved in colonisation. These organisations established schools and institutions that dealt with the indigenous peoples displaced by colonial invasions. These Eurocentric religious orders brain washed and institutionalised the children of the local population. The brothers, priests and nuns brought disease, brutal discipline, and sexual perversity to their interaction with the indigenous inhabitants of these conquered lands. Under the meek and mild banner of Jesus Christ untold crimes against humanity were committed.

Christian Crimes Against Humanity Conveniently Forgotten

It is a strange anomaly of Christian belief that crimes committed by members of churches are conveniently forgotten by zealots spreading the faith in old and new lands. The so-called word of god and scriptures written by human hands are referenced instead to convince others of their best of intentions. The existence of a deity at the heart of these beliefs can only be identified via the very human writings and behaviours of adherents. No independent scientific proof has ever been established in more than two thousand years on earth.

Belief is a disease of the human mind. Belief is handed down from generation to generation. Children are naturally naïve and instructed in cultural beliefs by parents and their teachers. Religious schools are still highly prevalent throughout our communities around the world. Humanity is blind to the dangers posed by these institutions carrying on their brain washing activities in the twenty first century. This is despite countless examples of horrific instances of physical and sexual abuse perpetrated upon children by religious adherents working within these schools and churches. A few bad apples – this is the misnomer put about by members of these religious organisations to explain and justify theses crimes against humanity.

In truth, human beings who believe themselves above others via their instruction from a divine power are dangerous. The church hierarchies place their own concerns above the lives of those they profess to serve. Dressing up in religious garb places them outside of the strictures governing the rest of the community. Priests believe themselves special and marked by god. Belief in a set of scriptures sets them above and outside of the moral compass directing the rest of us. People who dress up in uniforms are essentially fraudulent, as they mask their humanity. It is well over time to put aside belief in supernatural entities and all the lies and fraudulent behaviour that goes with it.

 ©House Therapy

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Author: Silas