Peter Dutton

The World According To Peter Dutton

The world according to Peter Dutton goes something like this. White is right. White is bright. White deserves a better life. The Leader of the Opposition led the No campaign in their defeat of the Voice referendum in Australia. Galvanising the spirit of downward envy in every tiny Australian heart. Rejecting constitutional recognition for First Nations people in this nation and a voice regarding their own fate. Beating the assimilation drum up and down the country. Since then, Dutton has championed Israel against the evil Palestinian Arabs – making every resident of Gaza an undifferentiated part of Hamas. Now, Dutton is demanding that previously indefinitely detained refugees who have served their sentences for unspecified crimes committed be locked up to protect the community. The High Court of Australia disagreed.

a mother washing a child in a plastic tub
Photo by Ahmed akacha on

Dutton Justice For Non-Whites

If you are foreign and have dark skin, the rule of law should be more onerous upon you, according to the Dutton logic. Do the crime, serve the time, and still be punished if you are un-Australian. Scores of dangerous criminals will be running amok, according to the shrill warnings of Peter Dutton. The ex-cop who keeps crying wolf. Murderers and rapists on our streets. Well, yes, but they have served their time. Don’t we live in a world where justice prevails and not scare mongering racists?

phrase racism is pandemic on signboard
Photo by Brett Sayles on

Dark Justice From Peter Dutton’s Racist Heart

If you have dark skin beware of Peter Dutton. His idea of justice is only for fair skinned real Australians. Dutton wants to keep them all locked up forever to rot in detention like something from a Victor Hugo novel. Peter Dutton wants to send in the army to Alice Springs to stamp out youth crime up there. More dark skins that need the strong arm of the military. Perhaps, he fondly remembers the hundreds of thousands of Aboriginals murdered by Queensland’s frontier police.

Killing For Country David Marr

The Australian media largely agree with the racist views of Peter Dutton. The Murdoch press, of course, are instructed to toe the Xenophobic line. News Corp neophytes, like talking puppets, rarely challenging the Dutton assumptions about his take on dark skinned matters. The ABC has been bullied into compliant complacency. Conservative corporate paradigms define the news space down under.

kids behind a chain link fence
Photo by Ahmed akacha on

The newly elected Labor government is similarly confounded by a timidity born of electoral defeats over a decade. The ministers cannot quite believe that they sit in the big chair now. Too used to genuflecting, they keep looking over their shoulder for the next hit over the head. Albanese may be trying to maintain a Prime Ministerial air but the time has come to realise who is in government. It is time to put the mad dog down.

“Greens senator, Sarah Hanson-Young, said the deal was “the Dutton tail wagging the Labor dog” and the government had made its bill “even worse” because the opposition leader “demanded it must be tougher, must be nastier”.

“Where is the guts,” she questioned. “Where is the political spine to stand up for the basic principles you believe in?” “

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The world according to Peter Dutton walks the white Australia line. Power resides in a tight Anglo Saxon grip. Wealth abounds if you are from the right side of history. Dutton fans the fears of an island race surrounded by dark and yellow faces. ‘Keep the bastards out’ is tattooed across his chest, metaphorically. Albo is Mister Reasonable, but Dutton’s game is about tipping things over into fear and hate territory. This is where reasonable looks weak.

“Aborigines want to take your land!”

“White skinned Israelis are being murdered by Arabs!”

‘Dark murderers and rapists have been freed to run amok among us!”

Dutton is a one man tabloid headline. A town crier warning all and sundry of impending danger. He wants to strike fear into the heart of every Australia. The man is a menace. Spineless Labor has been shown to shirk a fight. Pandering to the racist core that runs through this country.

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom. 

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