Unvaccinated Are Bludgers in Our Communities
The unvaccinated are bludgers in our communities. They opt out of their civil responsibilities while we do the heavy lifting. All this freedom guff is a smokescreen for cowardly behaviour during a global pandemic. People die from Covid-19 and the health response requires that we all do our bit to protect the vulnerable from the scourge of this infection. It is interesting that Australians widely condemn those among us who do not pull their weight via working for a living by calling them dole bludgers but are hesitant to apply the same standards to getting vaccinated as our health responsibility.
Your Social Responsibility & Not Your Individual Right
Australia is rapidly reaching 90% of the population getting double dosed, which is a fantastic result. Why however should we allow 10% of the population, which is a couple of hundred thousand at least, to shirk their civic duty to the nation? Why are these individuals, seemingly, making a lot of noise about their rights, and ducking their responsibilities as members of this community? The whole rights of the individual argument has been pressed into the service of an ill-considered position. At times of war, this nation has called upon and forced young men into national service to defend our borders and treaties. This is a war against a coronavirus, which kills Australian human beings.
5 Million People Have Died from Covid
More than 5 million people have died worldwide from this virus. Nearly 1, 900 Australians have died from Covid-19. We have been fortunate because our leaders have listened to our health experts and taken affirmative action to prevent wide scale infection and death. The slow but eventual high take up of the vaccine has protected thousands of vulnerable Australians from serious illness and death. The outcry against the social policies designed to lockdown cities and communities are short sighted and ill thought out. We have succeeded in protecting our people via these health orders.
The Unvaccinated Cannot Shirk Their Civic Duty
The unvaccinated are bludgers in our communities and they should not be allowed to shirk their civic duty. We live in a different world now and we will not be going back to pre-Covid normal anytime soon. Those who have avoided the scourges of direct contact with this pandemic cannot be allowed to act as if nothing has happened within our society. All this freedom malarkey is missing the point. This is a time of social responsibility and not individual rights. Many people within our cities and towns do not know what real social responsibilities are. It is not about picking and choosing what is convenient.