What American Conservatives Truly Mean & Represent
I think it is useful to spell out what the stance of conservative leaders are in the current climate. A lot of people never bother to really think about where these folks are coming from. What American conservatives truly mean and represent can, perhaps, help those who are undecided in their assessments of the current situation. Que Sera, Sera, the futures not ours to see – just won’t cut it.

Abortion Rights & Conservatives In America
On abortion, in the United States, almost unbelievably thanks to a conservative Supreme Court, it is becoming illegal to have an abortion in many states with GOP legislatures. These conservative politicians backed by Christian ‘right to life’ proponents are making it a criminal offence for women and the medical fraternity to be involved in the termination of unwanted pregnancies. Donald Trump and his Republican peers are firmly behind this retrogressive move in America to end women’s reproductive rights over their own bodies. Because this is what this is all about – these conservative leaders represent a hardline view of women as primarily their wombs. They do not see the individual human being rather they reduce women, all women, to their reproductive role in society. This has its roots in the Bronze Age biblical perspective of the patriarchal family unit, where men rule the roost and have total primacy over their women and children. This is what you are voting for when you vote for GOP candidates like Donald Trump. After 50 years of women having control over their own reproductive rights, the GOP and SCOTUS are in the midst of an attempt to turn the clock back and deprive half of the human race their individual human rights in America.
This is the state saying to its women, “we own your womb and your life!”

Conservative American White Men Don’t Want To Share
The conservative bent of most white American men is draconian, to say the least. The majority of white men over the decades have actively voted against policies designed to level the playing field and redistribute wealth for women, African Americans, Latin Americans, and Native Americans. Both major political parties have at various times promoted fear based campaigns claiming that these kinds of economic policies will cost white men their own wealth. That it has been a zero sum game. Them or us. The slave nation that treated its Indigenous population shamefully has never made good economically on promises of fairness and equality for minority groups. Indeed, many white men have actively ensured generational poverty for African Americans and Native Americans. The Republican party has, especially, since the time of Reagan campaigned on a false narrative of attacking big government spending wasting billions on welfare and social programmes for the disadvantaged. They have actively spread misinformation about economic inefficiency and governments in the grip of special interest groups. In reality, it is the GOP, primarily, bought by big business lobbyists. Although both sides of politics are bought and paid for by the campaign money of corporate America. Populist causes are picked up by conservative politicians like anti-woke, anti- LGBTQI+, and anti-women’s rights. The biggest phony cause in America has always been the anti-communist one, where all minority issues are considered to be socialist plots. This BS is attractive to greedy American white men who want to vote for their own self-interest. What American conservatives truly mean and represent can be ascertained via the evidence.
“The contemporary American fascist movement is led by oligarchical interests for whom the public good is an impediment, such as those in the hydrocarbon business, as well as a social, political, and religious movement with roots in the Confederacy. As in all fascist movements, these forces have found a popular leader unconstrained by the rules of democracy, this time in the figure of Donald Trump.” – Jason Stanley, 2021.

A Vision Of Authoritarianism & America
It seems that many GOP aligned leaders and voters are happy to see the country forfeit its democracy in return for authoritarian control with their guys at the helm. Their supporters do not want to allow diversity to flourish in America. Populist causes like strict gender identity interpretations within the law would see those individuals pushing the non-binary envelope put back in their place. Anti-woke stances would stamp out recognition for minorities and their seat at the table. Stuff like the abolishment of critical race theory in the education curriculum would return a white-centric view of history to America. Book banning at schools and public libraries will see further increases to the narrow acceptability of allowed content in books. Christians do not want to see any stuff that they might find distasteful or morally repugnant. The world that books reflect will become one in accordance with the an idealised version of a Christian white America. Big business will be free to run its own show liberated from pesky regulation and things like union standards. More aspects of American life will be privatised. Obamacare will be repealed. The welfare state will be further dismantled. All references to race will be removed from government policy. White people will once again be able to take their place at the head of the queue. Uppity minorities will get the treatment they deserve. The police forces will be privatised but, also, returned to their former high status position within the community. Same sex marriage will be outlawed. Abortions outlawed. Elections will become unnecessary as America will become a one party state – the GOP. The many militias will be registered and regulated. Eventually, they will be subsumed into the police state fabric. Those that think outside of the box will be dealt with. The orange Jesus will be watching from every screen, as surveillance technology will be ramped up across the nation. Slowly but surely, all those guns will be picked up and taken out of public circulation, because an authoritarian police state will not be able to wear them. Once democracy has been eradicated, many of those conservatives who brought them to power will bitterly regret it. They think they’re on the right side of history now, but the ‘thin blue line’ will keep moving. Once the authoritarian state has its grip on personal freedoms in the guise of conservative social policies the noose will tighten. A Christian theocracy may be the outer face of this totalitarian state. Underneath, however, will be the billionaires and their henchmen directing the show for their own profit. Social media will be monitored.
The consumer credit score system will become a way of evaluating and controlling citizen behaviour. Big tech will come to the fore in the management of Americans and their perspectives on the world.

A new isolationism will be celebrated across the continent – an America First cultural shift. The orange Jesus will defund and disengage America from its roles in the international spheres.
We will witness a rise in fascist states emerging in nations around the globe. America’s example will be followed, as war lords set up fiefdoms to exploit the weak and vulnerable. North Korea’s and Myanmar’s will be the new national model popping up here, there, and everywhere. Strongmen leaders will wield their militaries and weapons, where once diplomacy dithered. The UN will become a mausoleum to a bygone era. America will be great again in terms of military hardware muscle and taking the low hanging fruit from weaker nations. The media will all be company men, as the corporatisation of the media introduces stricter guidelines about acceptable reporting standards. Fox News will set the benchmark.
Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom.